Any ways that can make direct restorative treatment an easier and more efficient process are always worth exploring. Dentist Dr Petr Hajny has outlined his four keys to freeing up time, saving money and creating longer lasting restorations.
In our day-to-day work, we are often faced with waste issues. Sometimes we do not even notice our mismanagement because not every kind of waste is obvious. It is essential to know all the processes in the dental practice in detail to be able to identify any potential for a more efficient use of resources. An effective way to cut material costs is to prevent expensive products from being thrown away, for instance, by aligning the inventory levels with the use-by dates of the materials. The secret is in the careful use of resources, human and material.
Be aware of the energy consumption levels of the equipment you use and consider how switching to more energy efficient alternatives could cut costs in the long run. Click here for ideas.