3M Impregum Penta is a range of polyether impression materials designed for detailed reproduction of the teeth and mouth. Impregum dental impression material comes in a variety of preparation speeds and consistencies for different procedural needs. It has been Kent Express’ best-selling polyether material for several years.

What Is Polyether Impression Material?

Polyether impression material is a synthetic elastomer (a polymer-based impression material which chemically cross-link when setting). It comes as a base and activity paste system.

Polyether is used in a single-stage impression technique where the material syringed around the preparation is the same as that used in the impression tray.

What Are The Advantages Of Impregum Polyether Impression Material?

Advantages specific to polyether and 3M Impregum Penta include:

  • Most hydrophilic elastomeric impression material - excellent performance in moist situations
  • Short working time - 45 seconds working time and quick 2-minute setting (Impregum Penta Super Quick)
  • High accuracy - detailed reproduction for high-precision restorations
  • Fresh minty taste and smell for more patient comfort
  • Available in heavy (higher filler content, higher viscosity), medium and light body (lower filler content and lowest viscosity) consistencies

What Is Impregum Used For?

Polyether is typically used for final impressions of crowns, bridges, partial dentures and implants, in particular where moisture control is a challenge. The 3M ESPE Impregum range caters for a broad range of requirements.


3M Impregum Penta Super Quick Polyether Impression Material

Best For: Faster high-precision impression in less complex cases

Suggested Applications

  • Single-unit crown impressions
  • Single-unit implant impressions
  • Inlay/onlay impressions
  • Smaller bridge impressions (up to 3 units)

3M Impregum Penta H DuoSoft Polyether Impression Material

Best For: Detail reproduction due to outstanding hydrophilicity

Suggested Applications

  • Veneer impressions
  • Crown and bridge impressions
  • Inlay and onlay impressions
  • Functional impressions
  • Implant impressions
  • Fixation Impressions