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Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene

Duraphat 5000
Duraphat 2800
Peroxyl Mouthrinse
Satin Floss Mint
Sensitive toothpaste

Key Features

  • High quality whitening gel designed to deliver excellent whitening results with noticeable effects after just a few days.
  • Innovative formula containing desensitisers and with optimum water content to hydrate the teeth during treatment and avoid sensitivity.
  • As well as removing surface stains, the whitening gels penetrate into the centre of the tooth and whiten from the inside out, for an effective and long-lasting effect.
  • Intended for use with a custom-designed application tray for a controlled way to whiten teeth.
  • Concentrated viscous gel for stability during application.
  • pH neutral formula is kind to teeth.
  • Potassium nitratr and fluoride combined sensitivity management.
  • Minimum wear time and subtle mint flavour.
  • Wear times: 6% HP for 1-1.5 hours; 16% CP for 4-6 hours; 10% CP for 8-10 hours or overnight.
  • Each Syringe contains enough gel to whiten for 3-4 upper and lower applications, giving up to 2 weeks of whitening performance.
Acclean Bamboo Toothbrush
Acclean Dental Floss
Tepe Interdental brushes
DEHP toothbrushes
Acclean interdental
Wisdom Interdental
Wisdom Floss
Pro Matrix Retainers
Pro Matrix Retainers